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♣ 음악과 함께 ♣/캐롤 송

It came upon the midnight clear

by 별스민 2014. 12. 23.



It came up-on the mid-night clear,

That glo-rious song of old,

From an-gels bend-ing near the earth,

To touch their harps of gold;

"Peace on the earth, good-will to men.

From heaven's all gra - cious King."

The world in sol-emn still-ness lay

To hear the an-gels sing.


Still through the clo-ven skies they come,

With peace-ful wings un-furled,

And still their heaven-ly mu-sic floats

O'er all the wea-ry world;

A-bove its sad and low-ly plain

They bend on hov-er-ing wing,

And ev-er o'er its Ba-bel sounds

The bless-ed an-gels sing.


'♣ 음악과 함께 ♣ > 캐롤 송' 카테고리의 다른 글

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