불어라 봄바람
Flow gently, sweet Afton ! among thy green braes,Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise ;My Mary's asleep by thy murmurung stream,Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream. Thou stock dove whose echo resounds thro' the glen,Ye wild whistling blackbirds, in yon thorny den,Thou green crested lapwing thy screaming forbear,I charge you ,disturb not my slumbering fair. How lofty, swee..
2012. 1. 10.
The Happy Wanderer
The Happy Wanderer I love to go a-wandering, Along the mountain track, And as I go, I love to sing, My knapsack on my back. Val-deri,Val-dera, Val-deri, Val-dera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Val-deri,Val-dera. My knapsack on my back. I love to wander by the stream. That dances in the sun, So joyously it calls to me, "Come! Join my happy song!" Val-deri,Val-dera,Val-deri, Val-dera-ha-ha-ha-h..
2011. 12. 14.